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Dr. David Ritchie

Dr. David Ritchie is  Professor of Semiconductor Science and Technology at Swansea University where he is involved in the Centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials (CISM). He is also Professor of Experimental Physics and a Fellow of Robinson College in Cambridge. He received his first degree, in physics, from the University of Oxford in 1980 and his D Phil from the University of Sussex in 1986 studying the physics of mixtures of liquid 3He and 4He at milli-kelvin temperatures.

Since then he has been working on III-V semiconductor physics and has extensive experience of the growth, fabrication and measurement of low dimensional electronic and optical structures and devices. He has been co-author of over 1200 papers and was awarded the 2008 Tabor medal and prize by the UK Institute of Physics for distinguished research in surface or nanoscale physics.  He was elected a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales in 2020.

Publications (clicking any of the links will open a new window)

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